Proven marketing & sales complemented by growth hacking tactics
Brand Awareness
Mindset, processes & tools to accelerate growth
- Kickstart Growth Hacking mindset workshop
One day workshop (in-house or external) combining principles (business-hypothesis-driven experimentation, iterative product releases, and validated learning) and practice in order to kickstart the growth mindset, laying the foundation for lean processes and tools such as the business model canvas.
- Growth Hack coaching
Individual coaching to apply growth hacking principles
Catch up with the latest technological trends
- Executive digital coaching Individual coaching to empower senior management to lead by example
-Digital training Bring your team up to speed with digital skills.
Inbound Marketing
Our Growth-Driven Design methodology includes the following services:
Attract more targeted traffic
- Content marketing
-- blog, social media
- Display ads
Engage with your buyer
- Funnel set up & operation
- Lead nurturing
- Marketing automation
- Personalized email
- Multichannel communication
- AI driven Conversational Commerce to give consumers the best possible individual user experience
- "Try before you buy" programs
Delight customers to become your brand promotors
- Integration of the sales, marketing and service processes to create a seamless custimer experience
-Loyalty program